
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Make it Happen Monday: Blog Post Reflection

Two semi-major developments that recently occurred deserve a little atención (that's "attention in Spanish).

I made the jump and changed my Twitter handle. I did a few key searches for "how to pick a Twitter name". You laugh, but I did! I knew the answer; not to say there is an A+ answer. I more so wanted to see what responses I would find on the interwebs. I went from Lucky_IJ which corresponds with my blog, for the time being, to.... my name.

Earth shattering. Not. You can now find me on Twitter via my new handle, @ijeomasnwatu.You will see more tweets about user experience (UX), social media, startups, photos from New York City, #learntodo tweets via SINY and so much more. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Last week, I found some time to finally write a post for the Startup Institute blog. Long overdue but I was able to pitch two ideas into one post. I reviewed highlights of the second and third weeks to ensure a heartier post and bit more reflection. Here is the link -

Honestly, I cannot believe it's July. The year is  half way done. I cannot imagine how I will feel at the end of 2013. Let's hope all of this work - networking, studying, building things - comes to a beautiful conclusion, or perhaps a new beginning.

Until next Monday, make IT happen!

- Ijeoma

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